Cyclone Yasi Report by Prof. George Walker

Cyclone Yasi Report by Prof. George Walker This North Queensland storm damaged a large populated area in early 2011. Prof. Walker, a long-standing AAWE member, has reviewed the damage in this PDF document, and he also provides some the wind-related history and code discussion. Download PDF Report

Saffir-Simpson Removes Storm Surge

Saffir-Simpson Removes Storm Surge A selection of PDf files are available at this NOAA site that describe the recent modifications to the venerable Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale.

NREL Wind Energy Resouce Workshop

NREL Wind Energy Resouce Workshop An NREL publication of the 2008 Workshop on wind-energy resorce and research needs will be of interest to many AAWE members. Download the attached pdf file.

The ICC issues consolidated standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters

The ICC issues consolidated standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters The International Code Council/National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA), has been approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an American National Standard. This standard offers guidelines for community shelters and residential safe rooms. It also consolidates previous references published by NSSA, … Continued

Comparison of Recommenditions for a National Wind Engineering Program

Comparison of Recommenditions for a National Wind Engineering Program Dr. Bogusz (Bo) Bienkiewicz Progress Report on National Research Initiatives to Reduce Impact of Wind Hazards (To appear in a future issue of the Wind Engineer) Dr. Bienkiewicz has prepared an excellent report that provides a comparison between some of the National initiatives that have been … Continued

Congressional Testimony (NHRI)

Congressional Testimony (NHRI) On June 26, 2008 Dr. David Prevatt from the University of Florida offered testimony on the National Hurricane Research Initiative Act of 2007. This Bill introduced into the US House of Representatives proposes an extensive program of research to improve hurricane preparedness, and for other purposes. The major thrust of the Bill … Continued

National Storm Shelter Association

National Storm Shelter Association National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) Properly designed and constructed Storm Shelters have been proved  to be capable of providing life safety from hurricanes and tornadoes. The Storm Shelters can be  on an individual scale, providing protection for individual homes, or on a larger scale providing community protection or protection for critical facilities such … Continued

Advance Copy of Report “Normalized Hurricane Damages in the United States: 1900-2005”, to Appear in ASCE Natural Hazards Review

Normalized Hurricane Damages in the United States: 1900-2005 Advance Copy of Report “Normalized Hurricane Damages in the United States: 1900-2005” to Appear in ASCE Natural Hazards Review after more than two decades of relatively little Atlantic hurricane activity the past decade has seen heightened hurricane activity and more than $150 billion of dollars in damage … Continued